Wanganui Veterinary Services - 06 349 0155 24/7 Emergency Services 06 349 0486


Vaccinations can offer protection against the following diseases.


Feline Respiratory Disease (“Cat Flu”)
Typical signs of this highly contagious disease are sneezing, runny eyes and nose and loss of appetite.  Annual vaccination aids in protection against feline calicivirus and rhinotracheitis (herpes) virus, the two most common causes.

Feline Enteritis (Panleucopaenia)
A highly contagious disease generally affecting younger kittens.  Signs include fever, lethargy, loss of appetite,vomiting, diarrhoea and death.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (F I V)
This virus weakens the cats immune system. While the virus itself is not fatal infected cats are more susceptible to other infections and cannot respond as well to such infections.  It is usually transmitted in bite wounds. The vaccine as not a part of our core vaccine but may be added after discussion with your veterinarian.

Chlamydophila (Chlamydia)
Chlamydophila infection is contagious and most commonly causes conjunctivitis in young kittens – sore red eyes with a clear yellow discharge.  It is not a part of our core vaccine however vaccination may be recommended by your veterinarian if your cat is likely to be at risk.

Ideally kittens will start their vaccination programme at around 8 weeks of age and have their last kitten shots when older than 12 weeks.

Revaccination is annually for FIV and CatFlu, every three years for Panleucopaenia



Parvo (Canine Parvovirus)
This is a highly contagious disease causing very severe vomiting, diarrhoea and dehydration. We unfortunately see frequent outbreaks of this disease – treatment is intensive and even with this the disease is often fatal.

Classic early signs are coughing and a yellow discharge from the eyes and nose.  Later, nervous signs such as twitching and fitting may occur.  Distemper is very contagious and often fatal.

Infectious Canine Hepatitis
A contagious disease, mainly affecting the liver, usually in dogs under a year old.  It can cause fever, vomiting, abdominal pain and jaundice.

This disease mainly affects the liver and kidneys and can cause fever, abdominal pain, vomiting and jaundice.  If not treated early, it is often fatal.

Canine Cough
This highly contagious infection spreads rapidly where dogs have close contact.  The persistent harsh cough is not usually fatal, but can be very irritating and distressing to dogs and owners.  Vaccination aids in the protection against Bordetella bronchiseptica and canine parainfluenza virus, the two most common causes.

Ideally puppies will start their vaccination programme at between 6 and 9 weeks of age (depending on risk) and have their last shots when older than 12 weeks.

Revaccination is annually for Leptospirosis and Canine Cough, every three years for Parvo, Distemper and Hepatitis


Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (Calicivirus)

A rapidly fatal and highly infectious disease. Infected rabbits may show signs such as pain and neurological changes however a lot of rabbits show no signs except sudden death. Animals that die may have bleeding from their nose or eyes.

Rabbits vaccinations are done on set days so please contact the clinic to find out when our next rabbit vaccination days are and for advice on when to vaccinate.

Revaccination should be annually.


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